Turismo Concello de Barreiros – English

Turismo de Barreiros

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Ethnographic heritage

Reflection of the interaction of the human being with the environment in which he lives

Ethnographic heritage includes those assets that represent the culture and popular identity of a territory. It symbolises the ways of life of our ancestors. It is characterised by their fusion with the landscape, so that the territory constitutes a great open-air museum in which to soak up a great diversity of cultural manifestations of both material and immaterial nature as well as immaterial.

The ethnographic legacy of our rural area ranges from farmhouses, raised granaries, stone crosses, washing places, wells, bridges, mills, straw lofts, ovens or dovecotes, to a very valuable intangible heritage such as legends, place names, popular expressions, sayings, linguistic diversity, songs and dances. Among them are the raised granaries and the Viladaíde cross, the Perana, of San Rafael House and A Cabana raised granaries, the Áspera-Vilar and San Miguel de Reinante washing places, the miraculous springs of the Santo Estevo do Ermo or the Casa de Alvariño dovecote. In addition, the Folkloric Association O Arco da Vella de San Miguel de Reinante has been promoting, for more than forty years, the conservation and dissemination of traditional Galician dance and music.

Legend of the treasure of Maeloc

There is a legend telling that at Monte Cornería, in Celeiro de Mariñaos, buried many meters deep and inside a large chest of solid gold, it is the great blue diamond of Maeloc. Whoever finds this precious treasure will enjoy virtually unlimited powers.

Historical tradition considers Maeloc the Celtic leader of the Britons who, fleeing the Anglo-Saxon invasions in the south of England, settled in the north of Galicia where they founded the Christian diocese of Britonia.

Plans to enjoy this ethnographic legacy

Complementary visits

Enjoy the ethnographic heritage